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Where were you when you first learned about the Law of Attraction? For many of us, The Secret brought perspective, familiarity and organization to a universal principle that was somewhat elusive and undefined. It was an exciting starting point which introduced a new generation of seekers to the power of deliberate, positive thinking and the undeniable abilities we have to manifest whatever is in our highest good. In The Secret, we were delivered a variety of teachers offering personal experiences and perspectives to help people begin to put into practice this powerful law in practical and unexpected ways.

Dr. Joe Vitale was featured in The Secret and is a world-renowned motivational speaker, author, teacher and entrepreneur. He is the author of the international #1 best-seller, The Attractor Factor, the #1 best-seller Life’s Missing Instruction Manual, the #1 best-selling e-book Hypnotic Writing, and the #1 best-selling Nightingale-Conant audio program, The Power of Outrageous Marketing, among numerous other works.

I had the opportunity to ask Dr. Vitale a few questions regarding his current work and how his understanding of the Law of Attraction has evolved.

CL: In your latest book, Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More, you talk about the how people settle into self-limiting beliefs that keep them from leading their best life. What are some of the pillars to the Hawaiian System that help people overcome this tendency, and how did you discover it?

JV: The system erases any and all limiting beliefs, without you needing to know what they are. I discovered it from Dr. Hew Lew, who teaches workshops on the subject. The whole idea is to take total responsibility for everything in your life and ask forgiveness for it from the Divine. Dr. Hew Len was able to help heal an entire ward of mentally ill ciminals using this mehtod, as I reported in our book Zero Limits.

CL: You speak a lot about intention and how important it is to establish a solid intention before one can manifest desired results in any area of one’s life. Is there an optimal way to set an intention?

JV: The best way is with what I call an Inspired Intention. There are intentions from your ego and intentions from the Divine. The stronger ones come from the latter. Align yourself with that and nothing is impossible. I talk about this in my book The Attractor Factor (second edition).

CL: Since participating in The Secret and the publication of several of your books including the second edition of The Attactor Factor, has your personal understanding of The Law of Attraction changed or evolved? If so, how?

JV: Yes. I see that the Law of Attraction is a good start but not the ending. There’s also the Law of Right Action. There’s also the reality that you aren’t in charge of the entire universe; the Divine is. I explain this in my new audio program, The Awakening Course. At some point you have to surrender to a higher power.

CL: Is it possible for someone to manifest great financial abundance while working passionately in a traditionally low-paying job? In other words, how can someone committed to a career with modest income enjoy the benefits of financial wealth and freedom?

JV: Easy. I have a new audio program explaining all this called The Secret to Attracting Money. Money can come to anyone through products they create. I wrote my first books and products while working a full-time job.

CL: In The Key: The Missing Secret for Attracting Anything You Want, you talk about counter intentions. What are those, and can you share a couple of ways to overcome them?

JV: A counter-intention is the direct belief oppposite of what you say you want. An example is you want to lose weight. That’s the intention. But the counter-intention could be, “If I lose weight, I won’t feel safe.” Counter-intentions will stop your intentions from happening. I offer ten ways to get clear in my book The Key and seven ways in my audio program The Missing Secret. The easiest way to get clear is to love yourself and your limiting beliefs.

CL: What are some simple steps that individuals can take within one week that will begin to help them on the path to personal fulfillment, prosperity and happiness?

JV: The simplest thing is to feel grateful for what you have right now. Too many people want to feel grateful after they attract something good. It doesn’t work that way. In the movie The Compass I tell the story of shifting my life by feeling grateful for a pencil. It all begins right now, with what you already have.

CL: What are just five of your all-time favorite books that you would whole-heartedly recommend and why?

JV: The Book of est changed my life by putting me into the est seminar; Why Is This Happening to Me Again?explained how we keep creating the same problems; The Magic of Believing taught me the power of belief; 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class (is) a masterpiece; The Dark Side of the Light Chasers (is) eye-opening about how we have shadows to our public selves.

Peggy McColl is a speaker, consultant and an internationally recognized expert in the area of goal achievement. She is the author of the New York Times best-seller, Your Destiny Switch and has also written On Being… The Creator of Your Destiny; The 8 Proven Secrets to SMART Success; and 21 Distinctions of Wealth: Attract the Abundance You Deserve. Her most recent book, Be a Dog with a Bone (Always Go for Your Dreams) offers canine-inspired analogies for some essential life lessons. (Hay House, Jan. 2009)

She is the President and Founder of Dynamic Destinies, Inc., an organization that trains individuals, authors, entrepreneurs, corporate leaders and employees in compelling and strategic goal-setting technologies. Her work has been endorsed by some of the most renowned experts in the personal development field, including Neale Donald Walsch, Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, Jim Rohn, Mark Victor Hansen, Caroline Myss, Gregg Braden, Debbie Ford and many others.

CL: You have been writing about and teaching people how to set and achieve goals, become successful and attract great wealth for many years. In your experience, how can striving to be financially prosperous be a part of one’s transformational journey?

PM: “Striving to be” anything (to be financially prosperous, be successful, in a loving relationship, at your ideal weight) is a process of “acting as if.” When one “acts as if” they are experiencing the joy and gratitude (and other positive emotions) of already achieving their goals. This is why they say “success is a journey.” It’s true, but it is equally true to enjoy the journey. When you are enjoying the journey and acting as if you already have all that you desire, you are truly living the experience in the moment. And, when you do, success will be drawn to you faster than you can imagine. It will seem that you are a gigantic magnet drawing to you all that you desire.

dog-with-bone1CL: In your latest book you use the behaviors and dispositions of dogs as a way to communicate some important ways people can achieve any goal. Why did you decide to use canine wisdom?

PM: I use dog metaphors because these animals represent beautiful, admirable, and desirable goal-achieving qualities such as persistence, playfulness, loyalty, and unconditional love. So to be a dog with a bone means that you’re someone who wants to achieve a specific outcome and remain steadfast in the pursuit of that goal, overcoming roadblocks, refusing to give up, and maintaining unwavering faith. 

CL: How can people who are stuck in self-limiting beliefs begin to shave away the fear and doubt that has prevented from living their most authentic life?

PM: Read my book Your Destiny Switch (smile). In all seriousness, there is a danger in answering this question with a short answer because there is so much to this. The best way to serve you and your readers is with this short excerpt from my book Your Destiny Switch to shed some light on this answer: [Every moment that you’re alive is one in which you can make a choice about what you want to feel. You can start creating new habits by mastering the art of switching your emotions, a skill that involves a three step process. When you’re ready to actually make the shift into a better, more positive emotion, there are several strategies you can use – alone or together – that are wonderfully effective at helping you make the switch. First, however, let’s look at the three steps in this process.

Step 1: Observe
The first step in making an emotional switch is rejecting a disempowering feeling, and you can’t do that unless you observe it. You have to be aware that you’re in a negative (or indifferent) state.

Step 2: Decide
In any given moment, you have a choice: Do you want to continue feeling the way you do, or do you want to switch?

Step 3: Switch
You can switch your emotions immediately if you choose to do so. No matter how strong the negative feeling you’re experiencing, the more you practice observing, deciding, and switching, the more quickly you’ll be able to make the transition to a positive emotion, because you’ve created this healthy habit.]

CL: In this latest book, you speak a lot about “dogged determination” in approaching your dreams, and what an essential attitude it is in being someone who can “make things happen.” Yet you also discuss the need to be flexible or “faithful” in trusting that you will achieve that goal without the need to constantly control what and how things actually happen. How do these two important principles work together?

PM: These two important principles go hand in hand (they BOTH are essential parts of the success recipe). Being dogged determined is setting a clear intention (state or claim that which you desire). At that point, you must detach yourself from the outcome and switch into the emotion of faith. This is sometimes referred to as “Let Go and Let God.” But letting go and letting God doesn’t mean that you can sit back and wish for things to happen without doing anything about it. On the contrary; you have a responsibility for what’s going to show up for you in your life. To create success, you need to align all of the factors for it in a fashion that will produce your desired results (which includes practicing and growing the emotion of faith).

CL: What are a few techniques or actions that someone can use when beginning to manifest their dreams?

PM: The first step is to decide to do something! And, then take the first step. Sit down and decide what you want and find the tools that will help you get there. My website has many resources and tools available and some of them are are available for free. No tool, no matter how powerful, can help you change your life if you don’t use it. Many people read self-help books, become excited about the promise of improving their quality of life and creating happiness for themselves, and start to practice the program they’ve just learned but soon wander off the path to their goals. They have the resources they need, but they’re locked away in a toolbox that’s covered with dust and cobwebs. If you want to build your dream life, you’ve got to implement effective goal-achieving tools (follow the guidelines in my books), and start working!

CL: For many people, simply identifying what it is they want in life is the hardest part of the success equation. What are some good ways for people to discover their true passions or life purpose?

PM: Here is a great excerpt from Be a Dog with a Bone that will answer this question perfectly:
[A deep desire comes from the soul, and you’ll recognize it simply by the way you feel about it in your heart. When you uncover this dream (bone), you’ll have deep determination, because determination is fueled by desire. Short lived wants don’t run deep, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But it’s vitally important to connect with the deepest dream of your heart, for when you do, you’ll access your dogged determination. Think about the following questions: Do you know what you want? Do you have a dream that you wish would come true or a goal you want to achieve, one that you’re truly passionate about? Connect to your deepest desire, your biggest dream. What is it? If you could have anything, and I mean anything, what would it be?]

CL: What are you reading now? Are there any books or authors currently on your radar that you would recommend for those inspired to move in the direction of their dreams?

PM: Believe it or not, I read my own books. Please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not bragging, but my books contain three decades of my own discoveries and I’ve learned from many of the greatest masters on this planet. Their wisdom has helped me to create an extraordinary life, and therefore, not only did I write about it, I live it! Your Destiny Switch / 21 Distinctions of Wealth / Be a Dog with a Bone (all published by Hay House) and available everywhere.


Sandra Yancey, Founder & CEO, eWomenNetwork

Sandra Yancey, Founder & CEO, eWomenNetwork

I was invited by Patti DeNucci to a great women’s networking event today produced by eWomenNetwork. The founder and CEO, Sandra Yancey gave an inspiring and powerfully honest speech on weathering the current economy by focusing on using this time to re-tool, re-examine, refine and redefine what we are doing with our lives. There is so much opportunity out there, and it was nice to be among positive, passionate women who are choosing not to let themselves be frightened or paralyzed by the news of apparent and imminent economic disaster.

We also had the opportunity to see the trailer for her new movie, GLOW, which includes a series of interviews with powerful and successful women including Cathie Black, President, Hearst Magazines and Dr. Helene Gayle, President and CEO, CARE (among many others). They all understand that unique and elusive formula for personal prosperity and fulfillment.

I was fortunate enough to spend time with Sandra in her limo on the way to the airport. Down to earth, insightful and rich with experience, her life has been dedicated to empowering women to be smart, be authentic and to be passionate. (Check back here soon when I post an interview with Sandra)

In the meantime, I urge you to watch the trailer. Check out information about the 9th Annual eWomenNetwork International Conference and Business Expo.

Here’s the trailer:

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