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For all the talk on the necessity of eliminating negative thoughts and negative thought patterns, I think there is a lot of merit to being exceptionally gentle with yourself when easing into this more fluid state of being. I believe that you must make a conscious effort to be masterful with your thoughts instead of simply being at the mercy of them and living by default. It’s a wonderful state to be in when you choose to live purposefully. That said, how do you go from “this feels all wrong” to “I am at peace with what is.” How does that happen? Is it a thought away, or is it many steps? I am a word addict, and I tend to take things very much to heart. But when I go from 0 to 60 on the happiness scale when something is obviously going very much awry, it seems forced and unnatural.

So I think the answer is simple: be kind to yourself. Let yourself be a human being and experience the depths of despair, the other side of passion, the trials of grief, the fury of anger. For when we allow ourselves to live fully in those moments, we can guide our consciousness back to the core of these feelings and make important observations… “This is my karma speaking. This is my pain attacking (or being attacked) by your pain. This is the core of my separation from God. This is my uniquely human state… and it is done.” You have to be in the throes of your full emotions in order to release it once and for all. These occasions for bad feelings are gifts– they are the starting pistol to an emotional sprint that, once complete, will have served a very important purpose. So if you’re angry, be angry– but aware of what that anger or fear or panic or hostility really is. It’s a sticky web that keeps us apart from who we really are. And that’s OK. We’re here to grow, to expand, to create. Without this conflict in ourselves, there would be very little opportunity to embrace what we ultimately came here to do– move forever in the direction of truth and spirit. It’s when we emphatically and chronically repeat these episodes without any aknowledgement of its real purpose that we become stuck in destructive patterns and remain asleep to life’s potential. So I say, be gentle. Go from angry to frustrated. Then from frustrated to annoyed. Then from annoyed to confused. Then from confused to present. Then from present to acceptance. And do all of this without judgement of yourself and what you are capable (or not capable) of doing. Just do what you can, and positive thoughts powerfully multiply until transformation is upon you.

May 2024
Listen to Current Living with Jennifer Hill Robenalt on BlogTalkRadio talk radio

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